Sunday, April 4, 2010

FW: Graduate Student Research Poster Session at ASME IDETC/CIE 2010 in Montreal



From: []
Sent: 02 April 2010 19:08
Subject: Graduate Student Research Poster Session at ASME IDETC/CIE 2010 in Montreal


Dear ASME IDETC/CIE Conference Participant,


As the Chair of the Computer Aided Product and Process Development Committee in ASME's Computers and Information in Engineering Division, it is my pleasure to announce the 2010 Graduate Student Research Poster Session to be held in conjunction with the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada August 15 - 18, 2010. Several awards in the form of travel stipends are available.


The website describing the poster session is online and active. See:


The purpose of this poster session is for graduate students early in their research program (within 1 year of starting a MS or 2 years of starting a PhD) to have the opportunity to present their current work to the research community. This provides the students a chance to get external feedback on their preliminary research that may not yet be ready for presentation at the conference in archival form.


The research should directly address computers and information in engineering, either through development of new software, application and evaluation of software, or empirical studies of engineering software. Areas of CIE interest include:

    * Computer-Aided Product and Process Development

    * Systems Engineering

    * Information and Knowledge Management

    * Advanced Modeling and Simulation (Computational Multi-physics Applications, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Energy Systems)

    * Virtual Environments and Systems

    * Product Lifecycle Management

    * Modeling Tools and Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing

    * Prognostics and Health Management

    * Enterprise-wide Information Management

    * Network-Centric Product Realization

    * Emotional Engineering

    * Agent-Based Modeling

    * Emerging Computational Methods for Engineering Design

    * Knowledge-Based Engineering


Abstract Submission

To participate in the poster session, students that are planning on attending the conference should submit to the organizer ( the following information by May 2, 2010:

    * Title of your thesis or dissertation

    * One page abstract of your research work

    * Contact information for you and your advisor

    * Status level of this research (pre-proposal, proposed, preliminary results). NOTE: this forum is not an appropriate forum for presenting completed work.


Students and advisors will be notified of acceptance by May 25, 2010. The abstracts will be reviewed by a panel to seek diversity of research topic and representation of different areas of interest to CIE.


CIE Student Travel Grants and Stipends

The CAPPD committee of the ASME Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) division and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are offering a number of travel grants and stipends to support graduate student attendance at the 2010 CIE conference in Montreal to present a poster on their research. Five travel grants each in the amount of $1000 will be awarded by NIST to cover the awardees cost of travel to and accommodation at the conference. Students pursuing doctoral research will be given priority for these grants. Four smaller stipends of $250 are also available to help offset the increasing costs for attending the conference. These are open to any graduate student. Poster submissions reflecting relevant and high quality research work will be favored in the awarding process.


To apply for these awards interested students should submit the following:


    * A written statement explaining how the applicant's research is relevant to any of the technical areas within the CIE division and how attending the conference will benefit the applicant's on-going research and career goals.

    * A travel budget clearly showing estimated expenses, other sources of funding for the trip and how the grant/stipend bridges the shortfall between the two.

    * A letter from the student's research advisor confirming the student's eligibility, other sources of funding for travel to the conference and supporting the application.


This application must be submitted together with the abstract and other information as requested in the call for posters electronically to the poster session organizer ( by the abstract submission deadline. To be eligible for a grant or stipend interested students must be attending a university or college in the United States during the 2010 CIE conference and be a registered student member of ASME. NIST grant recipients must be US citizens.


Applications will be evaluated based on the quality of the research abstract and the written statement submitted. Successful applicants will be informed of the committee's decision by May 25, 2010. Travel grants will be disbursed through travel arrangements made by NIST's travel office on behalf of the awardee. Stipends will be presented at the CAPPD committee meeting at the conference. Awardees of both the grants and stipends are required to attend this meeting as a condition of the award.


For further information:

Charlie C.L. Wang

Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Phone: (852) 2609-8052

Fax: (852) 2603-6002



-or -




On behalf of CAPPD and CIE, we look forward to your submissions.




Cameron J. Turner, Ph.D., P.E.


Assistant Professor of Engineering

Division of Engineering

Colorado School of Mines


Ph:     303-273-3309



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