Monday, March 22, 2010

FW: Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAIU 2010 - Perpignan (26/03)

7th Int. Conference on
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (MDAI 2010)
Perpignan, Catalonia, France October 27 - 29, 2010


The aim of the MDAI conference series is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss models for decision and information fusion (aggregation operators) and their applications to AI.

In MDAI 2010, we encourage the submission of papers on decision making, optimization, data mining, information fusion, risk analysis and related topics. Applications to privacy technologies as well as real world problems such as environmental problems and supply chain management problems are welcome.

MDAI 2010 is the 7th MDAI conference. Previous conferences were celebrated in Barcelona (2004), Tsukuba (2005), Tarragona (2006), Kitakyushu (2007), Sabadell (2008), and Awaji Island (2009).


Proceedings with accepted papers will be published in the LNAI/LNCS series (Springer-Verlag) and distributed at the conference, as done in previous conferences. See LNAI volumes 3131, 3558, 3885, 4617, 5285, and
5861 (with acceptance rates of 26/53, 40/118, 31/97, 42/193, 19/43, and
28/61 respectively).

Besides, papers, that according to the evaluation of the referees, are not suitable for the LNAI but that have some merits will be published in a CD-ROM proceedings (with ISBN) and scheduled in the MDAI program.

Some special issues are expected.


Submission deadline: March 26th, 2010
Acceptance notification: June 10th, 2010
Final version of LNAI accepted papers: June 25th, 2010
Final version of CD-ROM accepted papers: June 25th, 2010
Early registration: June 25th, 2010
Conference: October 27 - 29, 2010

TOPICS OF INTEREST: (include, but not limited to)

Papers are sought in topics related with decision, information fusion and their applications are welcomed.

1. Methods and Tools:
1. Information fusion
2. Aggregation operators
3. Knowledge integration
4. Utility and decision theory
5. Model and operator selection
6. Learning methods for parameter determination
7. Machine learning and statistical learning
8. Soft computing
9. Optimization methods in AI and decision modeling
2. Applications:
1. Information privacy and security
2. Multiagent systems
3. Data mining
4. Autonomous robots
5. Entertainment computing
6. Subjective evaluation
7. Bioinformatics
8. Information access
9. Economic and management sciences

General chair: Marc Daumas (ELIAUS - U. Perpignan, France) Program co-chairs:
Vicenc Torra (IIIA-CSIC, Catalonia, Spain)
Yasuo Narukawa (Toho Gakuen, Japan)

Advisory Board:
L. Godo, K. Hirota, J. Kacprzyk, S. Miyamoto, M. Sugeno, R. R. Yager

Program Committee:
Gleb Beliakov, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Tomasa Calvo, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Jozo Dujmovic, Michel Grabisch, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Hiroaki Kikuchi, Ivan Kojadinovic, Xinwang Liu, Jun Long, Jean-Luc. Marichal, Rosa Meo, Radko Mesiar, Tetsuya Murai, Toshiaki Murofushi, Guillermo Navarro-Arribas, Michael Ng, Gabriella Pasi, Leszek Rutkowski, Aida Valls, Zeshui Xu, Yuji Yoshida, Gexiang Zhang, Ning Zhong

Local Organizing Committee:
St phane Grieu, Annick Truffert, St phane Thil, Michel Ventou,
P. Vilamajo

Marc Daumas, Professeur des Universit s
Directeur du GDR 725 (ASR) de l'INS2I (CNRS) Directeur du d partement Math-Info de l'UPVD

ELIAUS - 52, avenue Paul Alduy - F66860 Perpignan cedex
Phone: (+33) 6 16 94 94 09 - Fax: (+33) 4 68 66 22 87 - //

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