4th IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Engineering For
Services (REFS'10)
In conjunction with COMPSAC 2010
Seoul, Korea, July 19 - 23, 2010
Service orientation is emerging as a leading network computing
paradigm and also a dominant form of economic activity and the basis
for socio-economic organizations. The commonalities and synergies
among service concepts across the levels of IT infrastructure and
business and social organization will lead to powerful innovations and
new developments.
Requirements engineering is recognized as a critical area in software
and systems engineering. To continue the on-going discussions from the
REFS 2007, 2008 and 2009, we expect to again gather active researchers
and practitioners from all over the world to share their knowledge in
intensive discussion to develop new ideas, new strategies and new
collaborations on topics relevant to requirements for services, in
particular, how to build trustworthy and smart software services that
satisfy users' requirements on environment friendliness, security,
trust, dependability, among others.
Example questions of interest include: what requirements engineering
methods and techniques are suitable for a service-oriented
environment? What adaptations, extensions or re-conceptualizations
will be needed? How can requirements engineering contribute to a new
discipline of services engineering, and management? Will service
orientation lead to a rethinking of the field of requirements
engineering? How to specify, model and evaluate the trustworthiness of
services? How to make today's business and IT services smarter to
adapt better to the requirements and surrounding environments?
Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following :
* Service requirements models and descriptions
* Service requirements identification, elicitation, and acquisition,
communication, negotiation, and validation
* Service requirements analysis and design methods
* Service engineering and management processes
* Knowledge engineering and management for smart services
* Service ontologies, metrics, and benchmarks
* QoS modeling and evaluation frameworks
* Trust, delegation and negotiation models for services
* Security, privacy and safety for services
* RE techniques for business process redesign
* RE techniques for business modeling and value analysis
* RE techniques for services discovery and composition
* RE techniques for service quality
* Conceptual frameworks for RE and services
* RE techniques for aligning business services and computational services
* RE techniques for adaptation and agility in services
* RE techniques for socio-technical analysis and design of smart services
* RE and SSME techniques for lifecycle management
Important dates
- Submission: 8 March 2010
- Notification of acceptance: 7 April 2010
- Camera-ready copy: 30 April 2010
Selected papers will be invited to submit an expanded version to be
published in International Journal on Software and Informatics.
Workshop organizers:
Dr. Lin Liu Tsinghua University, China
Dr. Eric Yu University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Sooyong Park Sogang University, Korea
Dr. Colette Rolland University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Dr. Jian Yang Macquaire University, Australia
Program Committee:
Marco Aiello, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Grigoris Antoniou, FORTH, Greece
Luciano Baresi, Polit. of Milano, Italy
Barrett Bryant, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Chi-hung Chi, Tsinghua University, China
Vincenzo D'Andrea, University of Trento, Italy
Eric Dubios, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxemburg
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Xavier Franch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Aditya Ghose, Wolongong University, Australia
Yanbo Han, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Keqin He, Wuhan University, China
Paul Johanesson, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Haruhiko Kaiya, Shinshu University, Japan
Yong Jin Kim, Sogang University, Korea
Sotirios Liaskos, York University, Toronto, Canada
Xinsheng Mao, IBM China Development Lab, China
Michael Maximilien, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Nan Niu, Mississippi State University, MI, USA
Selmin Nurcan, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne, France
Jing Liu, East China Normal University, China
Enrico Nardelli, University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy
Oscar Pastor, Valencia University of Technology, Spain
Dimitris Plexousakis, FORTH, Greece
Chang-ai Sun, University of Science and Technology in Beijing,
Carson Woo, University of British Columbia, Canada
Haiyan Zhao, Peking University, China
Andrea Zisman, City University, UK
Jelena Zdravkovic, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
For more information, please visit:
URL: http://compsac.cs.iastate.edu/workshop_details.php?id=22
Or contact: Lin Liu (linliu [at] tsinghua.edu.cn)
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