Monday, May 17, 2010

International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence - ICMWI 2010 extended deadline to May 24, 2010


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International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence
USTHB, Algiers , October 3-5, 2010

------------------------------Important dates (GMT) ------------------------------
Deadline for paper submission Extended to May 24, 2010
Notification of acceptance June 21, 2010
Camera-ready paper due July 5, 2010
Start of registration Period July 14, 2010

It is our great pleasure to announce the first International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence: ICMWI 2010 ( to be held in USTHB on October 3-5, 2010. ICMWI 2010 is organized by the Laboratory of Research in Artificial Intelligence (LRIA) of University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene in Algiers (Algeria) and the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LIFL) of the University of Science and Technology of Lille 1 (France).
ICMWI 2010 will focus on all theoretical and practical aspects of machine intelligence and their fundamental interaction with the web. It is hence dedicated to bring together scientists from all over the world to share and exchange knowledge, experience and most recent developments and research in machine and web intelligence.
Original submissions are welcome from all areas of contemporary Artificial Intelligence. These include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Agents and Multi agent Systems
Reasoning under Uncertainty
Cognitive Modeling and Interaction
Constraints Satisfaction and Search
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Machine Learning
Knowledge discovery and data mining
Nature and bio-Inspired Computing
Natural Language Processing
Planning and Scheduling
Vision, Image Analysis and Robotics
Pattern Recognition
Ambient Intelligence
Qualitative and temporal reasoning
All languages and environments
Information Retrieval and Filtering
Meta-heuristics and Evolutionary computation
Brain Informatics
Semantics and Ontology Engineering
Intelligent Human-Web Interaction
Web information Filtering & Retrieval
Electronic Commerce
Conversational Systems
Browsing and Exploration
Adaptive Web
User Profiling/Clustering
Negotiation Systems
Security, Privacy, and Trust
Web Mining and Farming
Social Networks Mining
Intelligent e-Technology
Semantic Web
Web Agents
Knowledge Grids & Grid Intelligence
Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
Web Services
Search in Networks
Submission of papers for ICMWI 2010 will be managed via the EasyChair system. Detailed instructions are available on the conference website. All papers submitted to ICMWI 2010 will be reviewed by three reviewers and evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, and technical  and presentation qualities. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
In agreement with the editors in chief, ICMWI 2010 organizers will kindly invite authors of selected papers presented at the conference to submit extended versions for consideration in the following International journals:
-Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information (RNTI)
Cépaduès Editions, Directors of the collection: Pr. D.A. Zighed, Pr. G. Venturini
- International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM)
Inderscience Publishers, Switzerland , Editor in Chief: Kannan Govindan
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence Theory and Practice
(IJCITP)   Serials Publications Publishers, Editor in Chief: Shahram Rahimi.
- International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA)
Inderscience Publishers, Editor in Chief: Nadia Nadjah
- International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (IJDMMM)
Inderscience Publishers, Editor in Chief: John Wang
This special track concerns the category of students preparing a Master or a PHD degree in the
field of artificial intelligence. It will give them an opportunity to present their works and prepare
them to enter the domain of research.
Awards will be given for authors of best papers at the conference closing session
-  Exploring Semantic Roles of Web Interface Components,
Kang Zhang, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson , USA
-  Causal reasoning and compact representation of preferences,
Salem Benferhat,  University of Artois , France
-  Efficient extraction of news articles based on RSS crawling,
Christos Bouras,  Patras University , Greece
-  Click Fraud Prevention in Pay-Per-Click Model: Learning through
   Multimodal Evidence Fusion,
 Mehmed Kantardzic, University of Louisville , U.S.A.
-  Learning of Data Collections in High-Dimensional Spaces without Supervision, 
Djemel Ziou, University of Sherbrooke , Canada
Prof. Habiba DRIAS, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
Prof. Chabane DJERABA, LIFL USTL, France
Prof. Slimane LARABI, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
Dr. Nadjet KAMEL, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
Dr Saliha AOUAT, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
El Hassan Abdelwaheb   Cadi  Ayyad University, Morocco
Luigia Carlucci Aiello University of Roma, Italy
Amar Aissani LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Yamine Ait Ameur LISI, ENSMA, France
Youcef Aklouf LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Abbes Amira Brunel University, UK
Reda Alhajj University of Calgary , Canada
Saliha Aouat LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Hamid Azzoune LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Philippe Balbiani University of Paul Sabatier , France
Mohamed Batouche King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Abdel Belaid LORIA, France
Ladjel Bellatreche LISI, ENSMA, France
Salem Benferhat CRIL, University of Artois , France
Belaid Benhamou University of Provence , LSIS, France
Djamel Amar Bensaber University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Nacéra Bensaou LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Brahim Bensaou UST, Hong Kong
Maamar Bettayeb University Of Sharjah, UAE
Samia Bouchaffa Paris 11 University, France
Djamel Bouchaffra State University of New York , USA
Dalila Boughaci LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Mohand Boughanem IRIT , France
Kamel Boukhalfa LSI, USTHB, Algeria
Abdelaziz Bouras Lyon2 University , France
Michelangelo Ceci University of Bari , Italy
Mohamed Cheriet University of Quebec , Canada
Juan Lopez Coronado UPC, Spain
Alfredo Cuzzocrea University of Calabria , Italy
Youcef Dahmani University of Tiaret , Algeria
Kim Desok KAIST, South Korea
Zakaria El Berrichi University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Nadir Farah University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Antonio Da Silva Fariña Polyt. University of Madrid , Spain
Matjaz Gams Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Ahmed Guessoum LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Zahia Guessoum LIP6, University of Paris 6, France
Chafiaa Hamitouche-Djabou Telecom Bretagne, France
Salima Hassas University of Lyon 1, France
Walid Khaled Hidouci LCSI, ESI, Algeria
Nacim Ihaddadene LIFL, University of Lille , France
Amar Isli  LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Imed Kacem University of Metz , France
Nadjet Kamel LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Mehmed Kantardzic University of Louisville , USA
Dimosthenis Karatzas Computer Vision Center, Spain
Saroj Kaushik IIT Delhi , India
Daniel Kayser LIPN, Univ. of Paris-Nord , France
Samir Kechid LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Faiza Khellaf LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Ashfaq A. Khokhar UIC, USA
Costas Kotropoulos University of Thessaloniki , Greece
Saliha Khouas University of Blida , Algeria
Josep Llados Computer Vision Center, Spain
Malik Loudini LCSI, ESI, Algeria
Mimoum Malki University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Latifa Mahdaoui LSI, USTHB, Algeria
Abdelhamid Mellouk UPEC University, France
Farid Meziane Salford University, UK
Jose Luis Munoz Lozano UPC, Spain
Aicha Mokhtari-Aissani LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Abdelouahab Moussaoui University of Setif , Algeria
Hamid Nafaa University College Dublin , Ireland
Omar Nouali Cerist, Algeria
Nadia Nouali Cerist, Algeria
Baya Oussena University of Mainz , Germany
Myeong-Cheol Park KAIST, South Korea
Guy Pierra LISI, ENSMA, France
Jean-Marie Pinon ISA Lyon, France
Mukesh M. Raghuwanshi IIT Kharagpur, India
Gerhard Rigoll TUM , Germany
Joel Rodrigues University of Beira Interior , Portugal
Stuart H. Rubin Spawar Systems Center, USA
Houari Sahraoui University of Montreal , Canada
Angel Sappa Computer Vision Center, Spain
Sid Ahmed Selouani University of Moncton , Canada
Christophe Sibertin-Blanc University of Toulouse 1, France
Yahya Slimani Sciences faculty of Tunis , Tunisia
Kamel Smaili University of Nancy 2, France
Chantal Soulé-Dupuy Toulouse1 University, France
Jean-Philippe Trabichet HEGG, Switzerland
Farouk Yalaoui University of Troyes , France
Mohamed Bachir Yagoubi University of Laghouat, Algeria
Djamel Eddine Zegour LCSI, ESI, Algeria
Kang Zhang University of Texas at Dallas , USA
Djemel Ziou Sherbrook University, Canada
Reyer Zwiggelar Aberystwyth University, UK
- Information Retrieval and applications
Chair: Mohand Boughanem, IRIT-Paul Sabatier University , France
- Ontology Engineering
Chair: Yamine Ait-Ameur, LISI-ENSMA, France
- OLAP and Data Warehousing
Chair: Ladjel Bellatreche, LISI-ENSMA, France
For further information about ICMW’2010, we invite you to visit the web site of the
conference at:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
We look forward to welcome you in Algiers in October 2010.
Please diffuse this announcement around you.

ICMWI'2010 chairs


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