Monday, May 31, 2010

Workshop on Social Interactions Analysis and Services Providers (SIASP) @ICDM2010

** Apologies for cross-postings. **

The 2010 Workshop on Social Interactions Analysis and Services Providers
In conjunction with the IEEE ICDM 2010
December 13th, 2010, Sydney, Australia


With the emergence of Web 2.0, the user became the heart of various
technologies that compose this new era such as mashups, collaborative
environments, social networks, etc. The main added ingredient is
certainly the social dimension with the aim of linking users together to
facilitate their interaction and make it richer and more productive. The
social Web is increasingly becoming the most interesting part of the Web
and is at the point of challenging well established Web players such as
the traditional search engines, e.g., Google. This is a huge step
forward from a user perspective but also opens up great prospects for
research in an environment that becomes increasingly complex, less
structured and more hostile considering the great mass of knowledge
generally hidden from the user.

Social networks are the focus of most of the work being done around the
social Web. Works in this area address in particular the structural
properties, e.g., the strength of social connections, characterization
of key players, etc. Apart from social networks, the social dimension
may be found in other forms and other locations on the Web: social media
such as YouTube and Flickr, social news like Digg or Twitter, or social
bookmarking as Delicious ( All these forms constitute a
huge container of social information with knowledge that may be useful
to the user. This knowledge may be leveraged by, e.g., offering new
value added services exploiting that knowledge, which otherwise is very
poorly exploited by users and service providers today.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and young researchers
from both academia and industry around issues related to the social
interactions analysis through mining social data for providing users
added value services. On the other hand, it is necessary to study and
understand how services providers could leverage this huge mass of
hidden knowledge for, e.g., business purposes, an issue facing all
services providers in this area. Concretely, this includes confronting
ideas in order to have a clearer view of the elements that surround this
new phenomenon, to build a clear overview of advances in the various
tracks related to the new Web era and then examining the scientific and
industrial short, medium and long terms to rise around this hot topic.

The workshop includes the following topics (but not limited to):
- Knowledge discovery from social data;
- Social networks (personal/professional) analysis;
- Social interactions analysis and aervice providers;
- Social analysis for content and services personalization;
- Social interactions analysis for information retrieval and filtering;
- Social recommender systems
- Community extraction and analysis;
- Privacy and social interactions analysis;
- Business models;
- New challenges and applications of social interactions analysis
for services providers;
- etc.

Submission must be written in English and should not exceed 10 pages
using the IEEE format. All the submissions will be reviewed by at least
three reviewers. Authors should submit their articles electronically
through the submission platform using the workshop website.

- July 18, 2010 : Abstract submission
- July 23, 2010 : Full paper submission
- September 20, 2010: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
- October 8, 2010: Camera-ready of accepted papers
- December 13, 2010: Workshop date

- Hakim Hacid, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France
- Cécile Favre, Université Lyon 2, France
- Tetsuya Yoshida, Hokkaido University, Japan

- David Carmel, IBM Research, Israel
- Aiyou Chen, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, USA
- Paul El-Khoury, SAP Research, France
- Amol Ghoting, IBM T. J. Watson Research, USA
- Laurent Gomez, SAP Research, France
- Fabrice Guillet, Université de Nantes, France
- Makoto Haraguchi, Hokkaido University, Japan
- Silvija Kokalj, INRIA Saclay, France
- Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
- David Konopnicki, IBM Research, Israel
- Yosi Mass, IBM Research, Israel
- Mikolaj Morzy, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- Victor Muntés Mulero, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Yoshiaki Okubo, Hokkaido University, Japan
- Helen Paik, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Sherif Sakr, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Nisheeth Shrivastava, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, India
- Emina Soljanin, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, USA
- Julia Stoyanovich, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Aixin Sun, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Athena Vakali, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Friday, May 28, 2010

European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems - EUMAS 2010 Call for Papers


(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)

Eighth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2010)
Paris, France, 16th-17th December 2010


Agent technology has had an expanding impact and depth over the past two
decades and more, influencing and being influenced by other disciplines while
making a distinct research contribution with novel solutions to industrial
problems. It is crucial, therefore, that both academics and industrialists
within Europe have access to a forum at which current research and application
issues are presented and discussed. Following in the tradition of past EUMAS
(Oxford 2003, Barcelona 2004, Brussels 2005, Lisbon 2006, Hammamet 2007, Bath
2008, Aiya Napa 2009), the aim of the Eighth European Workshop on Multi-Agent
Systems is to encourage and support activity in the research and development of
multi-agent systems. This workshop is primarily intended as a European forum
at which researchers, and those interested in activities relating to research,
in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems can meet, present
(potentially preliminary) research results, problems, and issues in an open and
informal but academic environment.


Submission of papers describing relevant preliminary or completed work are
invited. EUMAS welcomes papers that are original, or are under submission,
will be presented or have already been presented at relevant international
conferences. The workshop is intended as a forum for interaction and
discussion, and we especially invite submissions by students, who can receive
valuable feedback from this discussion-oriented focus. Preliminary student work
is welcome, as long as it possesses sufficient substance for serving as a basis
for discussion.

All submissions should be formatted using Springer's LNCS style and have a
maximum of 15 pages. We request the submission of title and abstract prior to
the paper submission, to help meet the tight reviewing schedule. Further
submission details on how to submit abstracts and papers will appear soon on
the page below.

The workshop has no formal proceedings; it is intended primarily as a forum for
interaction and discussion. The workshop will provide proceedings to
registrants electronically (on a USB stick). Depending on the quality, we
intend to invite a selection of extended versions of original (not previously
published) submissions to be included in relevant journal special issues.


Abstracts due: 14th September 2010
Full papers due: 18th September 2010
Notification: 30th October 2010
Camera-ready submission: 20th November 2010
EUMAS 2010 workshop: 16th/17th December 2010


Paris Descartes University is located in one of the most famous and attractive
districts of Paris, namely Saint-Germain-Des-Pr�s, and is very close to the
Seine river. Within walking distance are situated some of the most attractive
places in Paris, such as the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame de Paris, Saint-Michel
area, Jardin du Luxembourg, Panth�on, Odeon, Latin Quarter, Montparnasse.
Moreover the famous and historic coffee shops "Les Deux Magots" and "Caf� de
Flore" are situated right near the university.


Topics include but are not limited to:

Action and Planning, Adaptation and Learning, Agent Architectures, Agent
Programming Languages, Agents and Complex Systems, Agent Based Simulation,
Ambient Intelligence, Applications, Argumentation, Autonomy, Bio-inspired
Approaches to Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Cognitive Models, Collective and
Swarm Intelligence, Collective Intentionality, Communication, Competition,
Complexity, Cooperation, Coordination, E-* Applications, Economic Models,
Emergence, Emotion, Formal Models, Game Theoretic Models, Grid Computing,
Methodologies, Negotiation, Organisations and Institutions, Proactivity and
Reactivity, Protocols, Robotics, Self-organisation, Semantic Web Agents,
Agent-based Service Oriented Computing, Agent-oriented Software Engineering,
Standards, Teamwork, Theories of Agency, Tools, Trust and Reputation,
Ubiquitous Computing, Verification, Virtual Agents.


General Chair: Pavlos Moraitis, Paris Descartes University, France
Program Chair: Simon Miles, King's College London, UK

Local Organization:
Pavlos Moraitis, Paris Descartes University, France (Co-Chair)
Leila Amgoud, CNRS, IRIT, France (Co-Chair)
Elise Bonzon, Paris Descartes University, France
Marc M�tivier, Paris Descartes University, France
Preety Nadarasapillay, Paris Descartes University, France

Thursday, May 27, 2010

FW: [bulle-i3] MEDES'10: Call For Papers

The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital
EcoSystems (MEDES 2010)
In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6
October 26-29, 2010

Description and Objectives

In the world of the Internet, the rapid growth and exponential use of
digital medias leads to the emergence of
virtual environments namely digital ecosystems composed of multiple
and independent entities such as individuals,
organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or
several missions and focusing on the interactions
and inter-relationships among them. The digital ecosystem exhibits
self-organizing environments, thanks to the
re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which
resources provided by each entity are properly
conserved, managed and used. The underlying resources mainly
comprehend data management, innovative services,
computational intelligence and self-organizing platforms. Due to the
multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems
and their characteristics, they are highly complex to study and
design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to
how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be
innovative and value-creating. The application of Information
Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how
entities request resources and ultimately interact to
create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and
knowledge. These technologies can be improved through
novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as data
management, web technologies, networking, security,
human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and
self-organizing systems to support the establishment
of digital ecosystems and manage their resources.

The International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital
EcoSystems (MEDES) aims to develop and bring together
a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry
interested in exploring the manifold challenges
and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and
how current approaches and technologies can be
evolved and adapted to this end. The conference seeks related original
research papers, industrial papers and proposals
for demonstrations.

In this call, we solicit original research and technical papers not
published elsewhere. The papers can be theoretical, practical and
application oriented on the following themes (but not limited to):

- Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure
- Web Technologies
- Service systems and Engineering
- Emergent Intelligence
- Data & Knowledge Management Systems
- Multimedia Information Retrieval
- Ontology Management
- Social Networks
- Game Theory
- Networks and Protocols
- Security & Privacy
- Standardization and Extensible Languages
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Business Intelligence
- E-Services , E-Learning, E-Humanities and E-Government
- B2B, B2C, B2A, E-Commerce, E-Business, E-Marketing and E-Procurement
- Digital Library
- Open Source

Paper Submission
Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be
uploaded using the conference website.
Submissions should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers
that fail to comply with length limit
will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer
reviewers. Selection criteria will
include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical
soundness, and quality of presentation.
Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or
challenging positions on important emergent topics
related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the
conference to present the paper.

The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the
ACM Digital Library.

Important Dates
- Submission Date: June 20th, 2010
- Notification of Acceptance: September, 5th 2010
- Camera Ready: September 20th, 2010
- Conference Dates: October 26-29, 2010
- Dinner Reception: October 27th, 2010
- Gala Banquet: October 28th, 2010

Special issues and Journal Publication
Extended versions of the selected papers will be published in one of
the following reviewed journals.

-International Journal on Subject-Centric Computing (IJSCC)
-International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI)
-Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI)
-International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation (IJBIC)
-International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM)
-Journal of Service Science and Management (JSSM)

Keynote Speakers
Albert Y. Zomaya (University of Sydney, Australia)
Taweesak Koanantakool (NSTDA, Thailand)

Program Chair
Richard Chbeir (Bourgogne University, France)

Local Organizing Committee Chair
Asanee Kawtrakul (NECTEC, Thailand)

International Program Committee:
(see the web site for the full list)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fwd: AmI-10 - Call for Papers

Begin forwarded message:

> From: AmI-10 <>
> Date: May 19, 2010 4:53:55 PM GMT+01:00
> To:
> Subject: AmI-10 - Call for Papers
> CALL FOR PAPERS (with apologies for cross-posting)
> *********************************************************************
> AmI-10
> First International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence
> November 10th - 12th 2010, Malaga, Spain
> *********************************************************************
> The AmI-10 conference brings together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia working in the field of technologies and applications of Ambient Intelligence. Ambient Intelligence represents a vision of the future where we shall be surrounded by invisible technological means, sensitive and responsive to people and their behaviors, delivering advanced functions, services and experiences. Ambient intelligence combines concepts of ubiquitous technology, intelligent systems and advanced user interfaces putting the humans in the center of technological developments.
> Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of original unpublished work in all areas related to Ambient Intelligence. Contributions are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics:
> * objects, devices and environments that embody ambient intelligence
> * context models and context factors
> * sensing and reasoning technology
> * natural and multimodal interaction styles and user interfaces
> * advanced interface artifacts
> * ergonomics, interaction design and product prototyping
> * distributed software, systems, middleware and frameworks
> * analysis, design, prototyping, implementation and evaluation
> * interdisciplinary methods in all phases of research and development
> * security, privacy and trust
> * ambient intelligence services
> * business model and business cases
> * user experience and user experience factors (e.g., acceptance)
> * ambient intelligence for special target groups
> * ambient intelligence applications (e.g., assisted living, future shopping)
> * artifacts in ambient intelligence environments (e.g., robots)
> * large scale ambient contexts (e.g., intelligent buildings, urban public spaces, smart cities)
> * social media applications in ambient environments
> * societal implications of ambient intelligence
> * reflections on the current state and future of ambient intelligence
> * knowledge-based systems, computational intelligence
> * autonomic systems, multi-agent architectures and systems
> * adaptive architectures, symbiotic systems
> * industrial and commercial applications of ambient intelligence
> * configuration and control of ambient environments by end-users
> Participation is welcomed for the following conference tracks:
> * Full papers
> * Short papers
> * Landscapes
> * Workshops
> * Posters & Demos
> * April 22: Call for Participation open
> * June 21: Full & Short papers submission deadline
> * August 2: Notification of acceptance for Full & Short papers
> * May 31: Workshop proposals deadline
> * June 8: Notification of acceptance for Workshop proposals
> * September 1: Camera ready materials deadline
> * General Chair:
> Antonio Maña, University of Málaga, Spain
> * Organization Chair:
> Richard Bricaire, STM, France
> * Program Committee & Full Papers Co-Chairs:
> Boris de Ruyter, Philips Research Europe, The Netherlands
> Reiner Wichert, Fraunhofer-Institut IGD, Germany
> * Short Papers Track Co-Chairs:
> David V. Keyson, TU Delft, The Netherlands
> Panos Markopoulos, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
> * Landscapes Track Chair:
> Norbert Streitz, Smart Future Initiative, Germany
> * Workshops Co-Chairs:
> Monica Divitini, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
> Nikolaos Georgantas, INRIA, France
> * Posters & Demos Co-Chairs:
> Kristof Van Laerhoven, TU Darmstadt, Germany
> Adrian Cheok, Mixed Reality Lab, Singapore
> * Richard Bricaire
> * Adrian Cheok
> * Monica Divitini
> * Berry Eggen
> * Alois Ferscha
> * Nikolaos Georgantas
> * Preben Holst Mogensen
> * Achilles Kameas
> * David V. Keyson
> * Antonio Krüger
> * Kristof Van Laerhoven
> * Vincenzo Loia
> * Panos Markopoulos
> * Antonio Muñoz
> * Max Mühlhäuser
> * Javier Poncela
> * Boris de Ruyter
> * Bernt Schiele
> * Norbert Streitz
> * Reiner Wichert
> * Woontack Woo
> For more information see the conference website at:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message sent by Strategies Telecoms & Multimedia, 3 allee des Tilliers 93100 Montreuil - France - -
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To Unsubscribe, please click here :

Fwd: cfp

Annonce IFAC World Congress 2011
Milano, Italie, 28 Aout - 2 Septembre 2011

IEEE Workshop on Factory Communication Systems 2010
Nancy, 18-21 mai 2010

SWIM 2010, the 3rd edition of the Small Workshop on Interval Methods
Nantes, 15-16 June 2010

Summer School in Microrobotics and Self-Assembly for Hybrid MEMS
Besançon, 29 juin - 2 juillet 2010
Voir fichier "flyer-summer-school"

LSS'2010, 12th IFAC/IEEE/IMACS Symposium on Large Scale Systems
Lille, 11-14 juillet 2010

HMS'2010, 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and
Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems Valenciennes, August 31 - September 3,

NecSys'10, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in
Networked Systems Annecy, 13-14 septembre 2010

SysTol'10, Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems
Nice, 6-8 octobre 2010

PRO-VE'10, 11th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises
Saint-Etienne, 11-13 octobre 2010

5th IFAC International Workshop on Enterprise Integration,
Interoperability and Networking (EI2N'2010)
Hersonissou, Crete, Greece, 27-28 October 2010

NOLCOS 2013, 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems
Toulouse, 4-6 septembre 2013


Call for the 2010 European PhD Award on Embedded and Networked Control
(contributed by C. Prieur and A. Chaillet)

The EECI-ICO PhD Award is given annually in recognition of the best
PhD thesis in Europe in the field of Embedded and Networked Control.
Former recipients can be found on the webpage

The aim of the award is to encourage high-quality work amongst young
researchers in their first research period. The prize consists of a
certificate and a cash award. The domain of research of candidates
should be included in the large multidisciplinary area of the control of
hybrid, nonlinear, embedded or networked systems.

For more information consult the web-pages :

The deadline for application is June 15, 2010. To be eligible for the
award, the thesis must have been defended in Europe between June 16,
2009 and June 15, 2010.

To apply, please consult the award webpage:


Monday, May 17, 2010

MAS&S 2010] II Call for Papers




4th International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation (MAS&S)
"Engineering Complex Systems through Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation"

to be held at

MALLOW (Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated
Workshops) 2010, Lyon (France), 30 Aug.-03 Sept.

Multi-agent systems (MASs) provide powerful models for representing both
real-world systems and applications with an appropriate degree of
complexity and dynamics. Several research and industrial experiences
have already shown that the use of MASs offers advantages in a wide
range of application domains (e.g. financial, economic, social,
logistic, chemical, engineering). When MASs represent software
applications to be effectively delivered, they need to be validated and
evaluated before their deployment and execution, thus methodologies that
support validation and evaluation through simulation of the MAS under
development are highly required. In other emerging areas (e.g. ACE,
ACF), MASs are designed for representing systems at different levels of
complexity through the use of autonomous, goal-driven and interacting
entities organized into societies which exhibit emergent properties The
agent-based model of a system can then be executed to simulate the
behavior of the complete system so that knowledge of the behaviors of
the entities (micro-level) produce an understanding of the overall
outcome at the system-level (macro-level). In both cases (MASs as
software applications and MASs as models for the analysis of complex
systems), simulation plays a crucial role which needs to be further

Areas of Interest


MAS&S'10 aims at providing a forum for discussing recent advances in
Engineering Complex Systems by exploiting Agent-Based Modeling and
Simulation. In particular, the areas of interest are the following
(although this list should not be considered as exclusive):

* Agent-based simulation techniques and methodologies

* Discrete-event simulation of Multi-Agent Systems

* Simulation as validation tool for the development process of MAS

* Agent-oriented methodologies incorporating simulation tools

* MAS simulation driven by formal models

* MAS simulation toolkits and frameworks

* Testing vs. simulation of MAS

* Agents as modeling concept enabling communication between domain
experts and simulation experts

* Industrial case studies based on MAS and simulation/testing

* Agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS)

* Agent Computational Economics (ACE)

* Agent Computational Finance (ACF)

* Agent-based simulation of networked systems

* Scalability in agent-based simulation

Program Chairs


Carole Bernon - Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT (France) - Alfredo Garro - Università della Calabria (Italy)
- Jorge J. Gomez-Sanz - Universidad Complutense
de Madrid (Spain) -

International Program Committee


Jean-Paul Arcangeli, Université Paul Sabatier, France

Juan Antonio Botía Blaya, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Paul Davidson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Paolo Giorgini, Università di Trento, Italy

Samer Hassan, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Vincent Hilaire, Université de Belfort-Montbéliard, France

Franziska Klügl, Örebro Universitet, Sweden

Adolfo López-Paredes, University of Valladolid, Spain

Muaz Niazi, Foundation University, Pakistan

Michael J. North, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Andrea Omicini, Università di Bologna, Italy

Paolo Petta, OFAI, Austria

Gauthier Picard, ENSM, Saint-Etienne, France

Sébastien Picault, LIFL, Lille, France

Luca Sabatucci, ITC-irst, FBK, Italy

Valeria Seidita, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy

Pietro Terna, Università di Torino, Italy

Erwan Tranvouez, LSIS, France

Giuseppe Vizzari, Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy

Steering Committee


Massimo Cossentino - ICAR/CNR, Italy

Giancarlo Fortino - University of Calabria, Italy

Juan Pavon - Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain

Marie-Pierre Gleizes - Université Paul Sabatier, France

Wilma Russo - University of Calabria, Italy

Web Site and Contact Email for Inquiries


MALLOW web site:

Submission Guidelines


Original papers from the above-mentioned or other related areas will be
considered. Please submit full papers: 8 pages maximum in IEEEtran style
and PDF format. You can find styles for LaTeX, BibTeX and documentations
at the following address:
Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the
International Program Committee. The submission link will be at



The workshop proceedings will be published and distributed at the

Journal Special Issue


Selected papers presented at the workshop will be invited to a special
issue on "Engineering Complex Systems through Agent-Based Modeling and
Simulation" of a premier International Journal which is under selection;
the chosen journal will be communicated on the Workshop Web Site.

Important Dates


May 30, 2010: Submission of Papers

July 08, 2010: Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection

July 30, 2010: Submission of Camera-Ready Copies

30 Aug - 03 Sept, 2010: Workshop Takes Place

BPD2010 call for papers

BPD2010 - 6th International Workshop on Business Process Design

In conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Business Process
Management (
13 September 2010
Hoboken, New Jersey, USA

Final Call for Papers - Paper submission deadline: 24 May 2010

Workshop Background and Goals:
Conscious (re)design of business processes is a powerful means for the
pro-active improvement of
process performance as well as for re-active achievement of higher process
conformance. Despite being
the most value-adding aspect of the process lifecycle, process design is
still more art than science.
Many methodologies on the subject remain vague about how to actually
derive superior process design.
The practice of business process design tends to rely on the creativity
and previous experience of
business professionals to come up with new, improved processes. Because of
the variability in creativity
levels, experience and tacit knowledge, the outcomes of such efforts are
inconsistent and can thus
undermine the potential benefits of Business Process Management (BPM)
initiatives in organizations.

The aim of this workshop is to continue the ongoing and successful
discussions of the last five BPD
workshops to further nurture a body of knowledge on the disciplined,
well-understood and
appropriately evaluated design of business processes. We have witnessed in
the previous BPD
workshops that besides research on BPD methodologies, there is a trend and
a focus on addressing
constraints in process design, user involvement, process reference models
and process design quality.
Papers that introduce innovative tools for process design, as well as
papers that address soft issues
(human aspects) and quantitative aspects (e.g. financial evaluation of
proposed process improvements),
will be particularly welcome.

We aim to bring together researchers and practitioners who have an
interest in advancing the state of
the art in process design (in contrast to process modeling or execution).
We seek contributions by
authors who wish to share their innovative ideas and insightful
observations on the subject. Two main
categories of submissions will be considered: regular papers and industry

The workshop exclusively focuses on aspects related to process design
within the process lifecycle. This
specialization excludes the well-researched process modeling and process
execution aspects. Within
this specialized scope, topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Process design objectives
- Process inefficiencies diagnosis
- Process design methods and methodologies
- Process improvement patterns
- Process design tools
- Process design measures and evaluation
- Process design in the cloud
- Process reference models
- Process innovation
- Constraints in process design (e.g. legislative requirements, compliance)
- Process design governance
- Process design for emerging challenges (e.g. greening of processes)
- Process design in collaborative environments
- Human aspects (involvement, participation, acceptance) in process design
- Linking process design to organizational strategy and goals
- Success factors in process design
- Case studies and experiments

Proceedings and Journal fast-track:
All accepted papers will be published in Springer-Verlag workshop
proceedings as a post-proceeding
volume in their Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP)
series. To increase the quality
of published papers, BPD will rely on CD pre-proceedings that will include
camera-ready papers revised
by authors based on comments from the double-blind review process.
Following the paper presentation
and discussion at the workshop, a revised camera ready will be required
for publication in the LNBIP
series, which will be delivered to authors after the workshop. At least
one author for each accepted
paper must register for the workshop and present the paper. The best
papers from the presented LNBIP
proceeding submissions will be invited to the Australian Journal of
Information Systems special issue on
Business Process Management.

Paper Submission:
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any
of the areas listed above. Only
papers in English will be accepted, and the length of the paper must not
exceed 10 pages. All papers
must be formatted in LNCS format (see for details).
The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the
topics covered (preferably using the
list of topics above) and must not list author details. Papers should be
submitted electronically via the
EasyChair submission system: All submissions
must be received no later than May 24th, 2010, and must be in PDF format.

Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: 24 May 2010
Notification of acceptance: 21 June 2010
Camera ready: 6 July 2010 (for inclusion on CD pre-proceedings)
Workshop day: 13 September 2010
Camera ready for LNBIP proceedings: 27 September 2010
LNBIP proceedings delivery to authors: December 2010

Marta Indulska (
UQ Business School
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072,

Selma Limam Mansar (
Information Systems Program
Carnegie Mellon University
Qatar Campus,
PO BOX 24866, Doha

Michael Rosemann (
Business Process Management Research Group
Queensland University of Technology
Level 5 / 126 Margaret Street, Brisbane Qld 4000

Program Committee:
Hyerim Bae (Pusan National University, South Korea)
Jyoti Bhat (Infosys, India)
Jan vom Brocke (University Liechtenstein)
Jorge Cardoso (University of Madeira, Spain)
Lilia Gzara (Universite Henri PoinCare, France)
Paul Harmon (BPTrends, USA)
Kees van Hee (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Stefan Jablonski (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Mathias Kirchmer (Accenture, USA)
Agnes Koschmider (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
Peter Kueng (Credit Suisse, Switzerland)
Jan Mendling (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
Michael zur Muehlen (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
Jan Recker (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Hajo Reijers (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (University of Ulm, Germany)
Shazia Sadiq (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Roger Tregear (Leonardo Consulting, Australia)
Andreas Wombacher (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Lilia Gzara
Maitre de conferences
Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
Laboratoire G-SCOP (

International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence - ICMWI 2010 extended deadline to May 24, 2010


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International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence
USTHB, Algiers , October 3-5, 2010

------------------------------Important dates (GMT) ------------------------------
Deadline for paper submission Extended to May 24, 2010
Notification of acceptance June 21, 2010
Camera-ready paper due July 5, 2010
Start of registration Period July 14, 2010

It is our great pleasure to announce the first International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence: ICMWI 2010 ( to be held in USTHB on October 3-5, 2010. ICMWI 2010 is organized by the Laboratory of Research in Artificial Intelligence (LRIA) of University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene in Algiers (Algeria) and the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LIFL) of the University of Science and Technology of Lille 1 (France).
ICMWI 2010 will focus on all theoretical and practical aspects of machine intelligence and their fundamental interaction with the web. It is hence dedicated to bring together scientists from all over the world to share and exchange knowledge, experience and most recent developments and research in machine and web intelligence.
Original submissions are welcome from all areas of contemporary Artificial Intelligence. These include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Agents and Multi agent Systems
Reasoning under Uncertainty
Cognitive Modeling and Interaction
Constraints Satisfaction and Search
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Machine Learning
Knowledge discovery and data mining
Nature and bio-Inspired Computing
Natural Language Processing
Planning and Scheduling
Vision, Image Analysis and Robotics
Pattern Recognition
Ambient Intelligence
Qualitative and temporal reasoning
All languages and environments
Information Retrieval and Filtering
Meta-heuristics and Evolutionary computation
Brain Informatics
Semantics and Ontology Engineering
Intelligent Human-Web Interaction
Web information Filtering & Retrieval
Electronic Commerce
Conversational Systems
Browsing and Exploration
Adaptive Web
User Profiling/Clustering
Negotiation Systems
Security, Privacy, and Trust
Web Mining and Farming
Social Networks Mining
Intelligent e-Technology
Semantic Web
Web Agents
Knowledge Grids & Grid Intelligence
Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
Web Services
Search in Networks
Submission of papers for ICMWI 2010 will be managed via the EasyChair system. Detailed instructions are available on the conference website. All papers submitted to ICMWI 2010 will be reviewed by three reviewers and evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, and technical  and presentation qualities. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
In agreement with the editors in chief, ICMWI 2010 organizers will kindly invite authors of selected papers presented at the conference to submit extended versions for consideration in the following International journals:
-Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information (RNTI)
Cépaduès Editions, Directors of the collection: Pr. D.A. Zighed, Pr. G. Venturini
- International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM)
Inderscience Publishers, Switzerland , Editor in Chief: Kannan Govindan
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence Theory and Practice
(IJCITP)   Serials Publications Publishers, Editor in Chief: Shahram Rahimi.
- International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA)
Inderscience Publishers, Editor in Chief: Nadia Nadjah
- International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (IJDMMM)
Inderscience Publishers, Editor in Chief: John Wang
This special track concerns the category of students preparing a Master or a PHD degree in the
field of artificial intelligence. It will give them an opportunity to present their works and prepare
them to enter the domain of research.
Awards will be given for authors of best papers at the conference closing session
-  Exploring Semantic Roles of Web Interface Components,
Kang Zhang, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson , USA
-  Causal reasoning and compact representation of preferences,
Salem Benferhat,  University of Artois , France
-  Efficient extraction of news articles based on RSS crawling,
Christos Bouras,  Patras University , Greece
-  Click Fraud Prevention in Pay-Per-Click Model: Learning through
   Multimodal Evidence Fusion,
 Mehmed Kantardzic, University of Louisville , U.S.A.
-  Learning of Data Collections in High-Dimensional Spaces without Supervision, 
Djemel Ziou, University of Sherbrooke , Canada
Prof. Habiba DRIAS, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
Prof. Chabane DJERABA, LIFL USTL, France
Prof. Slimane LARABI, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
Dr. Nadjet KAMEL, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
Dr Saliha AOUAT, LRIA USTHB, Algeria
El Hassan Abdelwaheb   Cadi  Ayyad University, Morocco
Luigia Carlucci Aiello University of Roma, Italy
Amar Aissani LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Yamine Ait Ameur LISI, ENSMA, France
Youcef Aklouf LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Abbes Amira Brunel University, UK
Reda Alhajj University of Calgary , Canada
Saliha Aouat LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Hamid Azzoune LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Philippe Balbiani University of Paul Sabatier , France
Mohamed Batouche King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Abdel Belaid LORIA, France
Ladjel Bellatreche LISI, ENSMA, France
Salem Benferhat CRIL, University of Artois , France
Belaid Benhamou University of Provence , LSIS, France
Djamel Amar Bensaber University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Nacéra Bensaou LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Brahim Bensaou UST, Hong Kong
Maamar Bettayeb University Of Sharjah, UAE
Samia Bouchaffa Paris 11 University, France
Djamel Bouchaffra State University of New York , USA
Dalila Boughaci LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Mohand Boughanem IRIT , France
Kamel Boukhalfa LSI, USTHB, Algeria
Abdelaziz Bouras Lyon2 University , France
Michelangelo Ceci University of Bari , Italy
Mohamed Cheriet University of Quebec , Canada
Juan Lopez Coronado UPC, Spain
Alfredo Cuzzocrea University of Calabria , Italy
Youcef Dahmani University of Tiaret , Algeria
Kim Desok KAIST, South Korea
Zakaria El Berrichi University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Nadir Farah University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Antonio Da Silva Fariña Polyt. University of Madrid , Spain
Matjaz Gams Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Ahmed Guessoum LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Zahia Guessoum LIP6, University of Paris 6, France
Chafiaa Hamitouche-Djabou Telecom Bretagne, France
Salima Hassas University of Lyon 1, France
Walid Khaled Hidouci LCSI, ESI, Algeria
Nacim Ihaddadene LIFL, University of Lille , France
Amar Isli  LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Imed Kacem University of Metz , France
Nadjet Kamel LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Mehmed Kantardzic University of Louisville , USA
Dimosthenis Karatzas Computer Vision Center, Spain
Saroj Kaushik IIT Delhi , India
Daniel Kayser LIPN, Univ. of Paris-Nord , France
Samir Kechid LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Faiza Khellaf LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Ashfaq A. Khokhar UIC, USA
Costas Kotropoulos University of Thessaloniki , Greece
Saliha Khouas University of Blida , Algeria
Josep Llados Computer Vision Center, Spain
Malik Loudini LCSI, ESI, Algeria
Mimoum Malki University of Sidi Bel Abbas , Algeria
Latifa Mahdaoui LSI, USTHB, Algeria
Abdelhamid Mellouk UPEC University, France
Farid Meziane Salford University, UK
Jose Luis Munoz Lozano UPC, Spain
Aicha Mokhtari-Aissani LRIA, USTHB, Algeria
Abdelouahab Moussaoui University of Setif , Algeria
Hamid Nafaa University College Dublin , Ireland
Omar Nouali Cerist, Algeria
Nadia Nouali Cerist, Algeria
Baya Oussena University of Mainz , Germany
Myeong-Cheol Park KAIST, South Korea
Guy Pierra LISI, ENSMA, France
Jean-Marie Pinon ISA Lyon, France
Mukesh M. Raghuwanshi IIT Kharagpur, India
Gerhard Rigoll TUM , Germany
Joel Rodrigues University of Beira Interior , Portugal
Stuart H. Rubin Spawar Systems Center, USA
Houari Sahraoui University of Montreal , Canada
Angel Sappa Computer Vision Center, Spain
Sid Ahmed Selouani University of Moncton , Canada
Christophe Sibertin-Blanc University of Toulouse 1, France
Yahya Slimani Sciences faculty of Tunis , Tunisia
Kamel Smaili University of Nancy 2, France
Chantal Soulé-Dupuy Toulouse1 University, France
Jean-Philippe Trabichet HEGG, Switzerland
Farouk Yalaoui University of Troyes , France
Mohamed Bachir Yagoubi University of Laghouat, Algeria
Djamel Eddine Zegour LCSI, ESI, Algeria
Kang Zhang University of Texas at Dallas , USA
Djemel Ziou Sherbrook University, Canada
Reyer Zwiggelar Aberystwyth University, UK
- Information Retrieval and applications
Chair: Mohand Boughanem, IRIT-Paul Sabatier University , France
- Ontology Engineering
Chair: Yamine Ait-Ameur, LISI-ENSMA, France
- OLAP and Data Warehousing
Chair: Ladjel Bellatreche, LISI-ENSMA, France
For further information about ICMW’2010, we invite you to visit the web site of the
conference at:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
We look forward to welcome you in Algiers in October 2010.
Please diffuse this announcement around you.

ICMWI'2010 chairs


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Dear Dr Zied Ouertani:

I am attaching you the preliminary English and Spanish versions of the Call
for papers of the VI Euro Latin-American Workshop of Engineering Systems (VI
SELASI) that will be held in Havana in the period November 29th - December
3rd, 2010, in the frame of the 15th Convention of Engineering and
Architecture organized by the José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic
The SELASI Events are carried out every year in a different Latin American
or European city and increase, in every edition, it quality and
participants' number. The previous editions were carried out in:
I SELASI - Trujillo, Peru
II SELASI - Porto, Portugal
III SELASI - Talca, Chile
IV SELASI - Havana, Cuba
V SELASI, Quito, Ecuador
Please to answer about your intention to participate and to sent your
summary by this mail, and if possible to resend these Announcements to your
collegues from other Centres.

With my best regards,

Dr. Jose Arzola Ruiz

Participe en la 15 Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura,
del 29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2010 La Ingeniería y la
Arquitectura por un Futuro Sustentable

Palacio de Convenciones, La Habana, Cuba

FW: Live Webinar: Hear the VP of Bayer's Biotech Supply Chain


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Part I: 'Pharma 2020 - Maintaining competitiveness
and operational advantage in a rapidly
changing environment.'

When: Tuesday May 25th 2010
Time: 11:00am (New York), 4:00pm (London)
Where: Online Live Webinar

Image removed by sender. Register Now at no cost

Keynote speakers:

Moderated by:

Image removed by sender. Hans Engels, CEO, DSM Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Image removed by sender. Thomas Panzer, Vice President Global Supply Chain, Bayer Biotech

Image removed by sender. Nari Viswanathan, Vice President, Aberdeen Group

As the topography of the global Pharmaceutical sector changes rapidly, alongside an uncertain macro climate, responding and reacting to current and future challenges will be the key to success.

With patents expiring, pipelines shrinking and increased regulatory pressure, the focus now is very much on process improvement and efficiency, as complex product innovation and the cost of R&D changes the competitive landscape for the sector. All of these issues present a very real challenge for senior manufacturing and supply chain executives within the global Pharmaceutical community. High product values combined with short product expiry in a tightly regulated environment presents a unique set of challenges to solve. This session will explore the key issues for the global Pharmaceutical Industry and discuss the impact of these trends on supply chain development, response and go forward strategy.

Key topics will include:

  • Is the era of blockbuster new products over, and has the balance shifted to a new paradigm of competition on process and efficiency?
  • Optimization of inventory and manufacturing capacity across multi-tiered global pharmaceutical operations
  • Driving working capital efficiencies and reducing complexity
  • Enhancing supply chain agility and flexibility to integrate and align supply and demand

Registration is entirely complementary; please pass this to any colleagues or business partners for who you feel it appropriate. This will prove an invaluable learning opportunity for industry executives to get a unique insight into the latest pharma & biotech supply chain best-practice

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SCMWorld, a RaptureWorld company, 53 Lafone Street, London SE1 2LX, United Kingdom


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ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining KDD-2010 CfP

Call for Participation
16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2010)
July 25-28, 2010
Washington, DC

Key Dates
 Early registration deadline: May 15, 2010
 Regular registration deadline: June 30, 2010

Accepted Papers:
KDD Cup:


The 16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
will be held in Washington, DC on July 25-28, 2010.   KDD is the
premier international forum for data mining researchers and
practitioners from academia, industry, and government to share their
ideas, research results and experiences.   KDD-2010 will feature
keynote presentations, oral paper presentations, poster sessions,
workshops, tutorials, panels, exhibits, demonstrations, and the KDD
Cup competition.


The conference will feature 102 Research Track papers and 20
Industrial and Government Track papers.   In addition to oral
presentations, all papers will be showcased during evening poster
sessions.    Full details are available at


* Mining and Learning with Graphs Workshop 2010 (MLG-2010)
* Large-scale Data Mining: Theory and Applications (LDMTA-2010)
* Useful Patterns (UP)
* Social Media Analytics (SOMA 2010)
* KDD Cup 2010: Improving Cognitive Models with Educational Data
Mining (KDD Cup 2010)
* 9th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD10)
* Tenth International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining(MDMKDD 2010)
* The Fourth International Workshop on Data Mining and Audience
Intelligence for Online Advertising (ADKDD'10)
* Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP 2010)
* ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-KDD)
* The 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor
Data (SensorKDD)
* The 4th SNA-KDD Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (SNAKDD
* Novel Data Stream Pattern Mining Techniques (StreamKDD)
* Discovering, Summarizing and Using Multiple Clusterings (MultiClust)


* Large-scale Data Mining: MapReduce and Beyond; Jimeng Sun (IBM
Research), Spiros Papadimitriou (IBM Research), Rong Yan (Facebook)
* New Developments in the Theory of Clustering; Sergei Vassilvitskii
(Yahoo! Research), Suresh Venkatasubramanian (U. of Utah)
* Temporal Pattern Mining in Symbolic Time Point and Time Interval
Data; Fabian Moerchen (Siemens Corporate Research)
* A Tutorial on Learning through Exploration; Alina Beygelzimer (IBM
Research), John Langford (Yahoo! Research)
* Geometric Tools for Graph Mining of Large Social and Information
Networks; Michael W. Mahoney (Stanford)
* Mining Web Search and Browse Logs: Challenges, Methods, and
Applications; Daxin Jiang (Microsoft Research Asia), Jian Pei (SFU),
Hang Li (Microsoft Research Asia)
* Privacy-aware Data Mining in Information Networks; Kun Liu (Yahoo!
Research), Gerome Miklau (UMass), Jian Pei (SFU), Evimaria Terzi
(Boston U.)
* Introduction to Graphical Models for Data Mining;  Arindam Banerjee
(U. of Minnesota)
* Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks; Jiawei Han (UIUC), Yizhou
Sun (UIUC), Xifeng Yan (UCSB), Philip S. Yu (UIC)
* Outlier Detection Techniques; Hans-Peter Kriegel (LMU Munich), Peer
Kroger (LMU Munich), Arthur Zimek (LMU Munich)
* Recommender Problems for Web Applications; Deepak Agarwal (Yahoo!
Research), Bee-Chung Chen (Yahoo! Research)
* Indexing and Mining Time Sequences; Christos Faloutsos (CMU), Lei Li (CMU)


We hope to see you in Washington,  DC!

Monday, May 10, 2010

CFP: IEEE SSCI 2011 Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence


IEEE SSCI2011 Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence

Paris (France), April 11-15, 2011

General Chair: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, LIP6, CNRS-University P. et M. Curie, Paris, France
Honorary chair: Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy
Finance Chair: Piero Bonissone, General Electrics, USA
Local Arrangement Chair: Maria Rifqi, LIP6, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris, France
Web Master: Christophe Marsala, LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Publication Chair: Sylvie Galichet, Université de Savoie, France
Publicity Co-chairs: Pau-Choo (Julia) Chung, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan / Martine De Cock, Ghent University, Belgium / Slawo Wesolkowski, DRDC, Canada
Tutorial, Keynote and Panel  Co-chairs: Marios Polycarpou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus / Ali M.S. Zalzala, Hikma Group Limited, Dubai, UAE
Secretary: Adrien Revault d'Allonnes, LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

This international event promotes all aspects of the theory and applications of Computational Intelligence. With its hosting of over thirty technical meetings in one location, it is bound to attract lead researchers, professionals and students from around the world. Sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, the 2011 edition follows in the footsteps of the SSCI 2007 meetings held in Honolulu and of the SSCI 2009 series held in Nashville. The event will take place in the magic town of Paris.

Important dates:
Paper Submission Due: October 31, 2010
Notification to Authors: December 15, 2010
Camera-Ready Papers Due: January 15, 2011

List of Symposia and Workshops

* ADPRL 2011 Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning
* CCMB 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain.
* CIASG 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid
* CIBCB 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
* CIBIM 2011 Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management
* CICA 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation
* CICS 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security
* CIDM 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining
* CIDUE 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments
* CIFEr 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics
* CII 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Industry
* CIMR 2011 Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Mobile Robots: Air-, Land-, and Sea-Based
* CIMSIVP 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia, Signal and Vision Processing
* CISched 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling
* CISDA 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications
* CIVI 2011 Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence
* CIVTS 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems
* CompSens 2011 Workshop on Merging Fields of Computational Intelligence and Sensor Technology
* EAIS 2011 Workshop on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems
* FOCI 2011 Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence
* GEFS2011 International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems
* HIMA 2011 Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications
* IA 2011 Symposium on Intelligent Agents
* IEEE ALIFE 2011 Symposium on Artificial Life
* MC 2011 Symposium on Memetic Computing
* MCDM 2011 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision-Making
* OC 2011 Workshop on Organic Computing RiiSS 2011 Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space
* SDE 2011 Symposium on Differential Evolution
* SIS 2011 Symposium on Swarm Intelligence
* T2FUZZ011 Symposium on Advances in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems
* WACI 2011 Workshop on Affective Computational Intelligence

Submission information and additional details

FW: The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE2010)


The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science
and Software Engineering (CSSE2010)

Image removed by sender. csse
Special Track within CiSE 2010
Ei & ISTP Indexed
Wuhan, China     December 10-12, 2010


The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE2010), a special track of CiSE 2010, will be held on December 10~12, 2010 in Wuhan, China. The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE, all the accepted papers will be indexed by Ei and ISTP.

Paper Submission Due: June 15, 2010.

Acceptance Notification: August 10, 2010.

Submission System:

Conference History: All papers accepted by CSSE 2008 and 2009 have been indexed by Ei Compendex!

For more information, please contact:

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Unsubscribe at any time by clicking here .
You can edit your personal information by clicking here.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

FW: Design Society eNews, May 2010


Please note that there is a bogus web site for an IASDR conference in 2010.
The website is:

The false site includes many aspects of a perfectly normal conference
website. But it is suspected that anyone submitting papers to it might be
asked for a fee!

The IASDR is the International Association of Societies of Design Research –
the Design Society is a member society. The next IASDR conference *will* be
in Delft, but in 2011. Its web site is at


Thanks to Fil Salustri for a great blog for posting announcements of calls
for papers for design-oriented journals and conferences:

*** WORKSHOP ON DESIGN COMMUNICATION, 10 July 2010, Stuttgart ***

You are invited to a workshop aimed at discussing the challenges in
understanding and supporting communication in design to be held on July 10th
from 9-12.30pm in Stuttgart, Germany in conjunction with the Design
Computing and Cognition 2010 (DCC10) conference. Submission of short
position papers to kick-off the discussion is open until May 14th.

The aim of the workshop is to identify the intellectual traditions that have
informed communication research to date and those that could offer a real
potential in identifying how existing and future research can complement and
built on each other.

In specific, the workshop discussion could encompass the following topics:
* Interface communication (between a product and a designer, between
designers, between design teams, between companies, between designers and
society as a whole)
* Using artefacts, such as drawings and prototypes as media in the design
* The nature of informal and formal communication in the design process
* Understanding and supporting information requirements of a design engineer
* Understanding and supporting communication of remote and co-located teams

Workshop format:
Emphasis will be on exchange of promising ideas, rather than showcasing
finished work. Accordingly, presentations by participants on the basis of
their submissions are intended to be short with contributors making
statements, proposing ideas and research questions and perhaps tentative
results, leaving ample room for discussion.

The workshop will conclude with a thought-exercise of various combinations
of the words design and communication by the chairs. This is intended to
encourage participants to position their research as well as perhaps
stimulate questioning that very attempt given the ever-changing nature of
the work environment of a design engineer.

Submission information:
Papers up to 4 pages, using the DCC template, will be accepted for
presentation based on the reviews of the program committee. Accepted
submissions will be collated as workshop proceedings. The DCC template is

The papers should include
a) your current focus area and research questions within design
communication and
b) a statement describing your disciplinary angle(s) and nature of research
(e.g. empirical, conceptual, theoretical, or speculative).

Please submit your paper to the workshop chair as a PDF file. The paper
format is available as PDF and RTF files. Papers and inquiries should be
emailed to the workshop chair at the following address:

Anja Maier, Department of Management Engineering,

The workshop chairs are co-editing an AIEDAM special issue on Studying and
Supporting Design Communication.


The CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering 2011 (the 18th in this series)
will be held on May 02-04, 2011 in Braunschweig, Germany. In conjunction
with this conference the CIRP Conference on Industrial Product Service
Systems 2011 (the 3rd in this series) will be held on May 05-06, 2011 in
Braunschweig, Germany as well. Authors wishing to submit papers are asked to
send an abstract (maximum 300 words) by September 10th, 2010. Full paper
submissions are due by November 15th, 2010.

For further information visit or Conference secretariat: or

Chris McMahon
8 May 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

The 10th International IFIP conference on e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Services (I3E 2010)

The 10th International IFIP conference on
e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Services (I3E 2010)
Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 3-5, 2010

Submission deadline: May 14th, 2010

The I3E 2010 conference is the tenth IFIP conference on e-Business, e-Services,
and e-Society sponsored by IFIP WG 6.11 in cooperation with TC11, TC8 and TC9.
This year\'s edition is organized and hosted by SADIO, Argentinean Society of
Informatics. I3E provides a forum for users, engineers, and scientists in
academia, industry, and public administration to present their latest findings
in e-business and e-services and their relationship to an e-society including
the underlying technology t
o support such applications. The conference will host keynotes as well as
research paper sessions and industrial presentations. Previous I3E conferences
were held in Nancy, France (2009), Tokyo, Japan (2008), Wuhan, China (2007),
Turku, Finland (2006), Poznan, Poland (2005), Toulouse, France (2004), Sao
Paulo, Brazil (2003), Lisbon, Portugal (2002), Zurich, Switzerland (2001).


For the research papers, submissions should describe original, research work not
submitted or published elsewhere. Papers should have a maximum of 10 pages, and
must be in the PDF format prepared according to the guidelines of the IFIP AICT
series (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology). Submissions
which deviate from the AICT guidelines may be rejected without review.
Submissions will be judged for scientific quality and for suitability as a
basis for broader discussion. Authors of all accepted papers are required
to send a signed copyright form as required by The International Federation
for Information Processing. At least one author of each paper has to register
and pay the regular fee before sending the volume to printing.

For more information about paper submission and about the I3E 2010 conference
please visit the conference web site:


I3E 2010 invites submissions on all topics related to e-business, e-services,
and e-society, including but not limited to those listed below:

* Innovative e-Business models
* Inter-organizational systems
* Business process integration
* Business process re-engineering
* e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs and portals
* Digital goods and products
* User behavior modeling
* Mobile business
* Social networks in e-Business
* e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting
* Supply, demand, and value chains
e-Commerce content management
* Dynamic pricing models
* Trust and security

* e-Service composition and orchestration
* e-Collaboration
* Semantic web services
* Service workflows
* Application service management
* Service Oriented Architecture Platforms
* Software Infrastructure as a Service
* Virtual organizations and coalitions
* Virtual enterprises and virtual markets
* Web 2.0 applications
* Agent-oriented e-Services
* P2P co-operation models
* Ubiquitous, mobile and pervasive services
* Human interfaces for e-Services

* e-Government (G2G, G2B, and G2C)
* Digital cities and regions
* e-Democracy and e-Governance
* e-Health and e-Education
* Public e-Services for citizens and enterprises
* One-stop government & service integration
* Disaster monitoring and prevention systems
* Mobile public services
* Digital culture and digital divide<
br>* Privacy and security
* Legal, societal and cultural issues
* Public-private partnerships
* International dimension of e-Government
* IT-Platform for public service

May 14, 2010 Paper Submission
Jun 30, 2010 Author Notification
Jul 16, 2010 Camera-ready Papers
Jul 16, 2010 Author registration
Nov 3-5, 2010 Conference


General Chair
Ricardo BRUZZI, SADIO, Argentina

Program Chairs
Wojciech CELLARY, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Elsa ESTEVEZ, United Nations University, Macao SAR, China

Publication Chair
Jacek CHMIELEWSKI, Poznan University of Economics, Poland

Wojciech CELLARY, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Winfried LAMERSDORF, University of Hamburg, Germany
ima SUOMI, Turku School of Economics, Finland


The proceedings of I3E 2010 will be published in the IFIP AICT series (IFIP
Advances in Information and Communication Technology).

Prof. Wojciech Cellary
Department of Information Technology
Poznan University of Economics
Mansfelda 4, 60-854 Poznan, POLAND
phone: +48 618480549; fax: +48 618483840
Dr. Elsa Estevez
Senior Researcher
UNU-IIST Center for Electronic Governance
tel: +853 5040491; fax: +853 28712940

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

[CFP] IEEE Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAI'10

Second Call for Papers


22th International IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence

October 27-29, 2010, Arras, France

45 mn from Charles de Gaulle Paris
International Airport by direct train
50 mn from downtown Paris by direct train

Important Dates

Paper submission: June 6, 2010
Paper notification: July 15, 2010
Camera ready paper: August 31, 2010


Aim & Scope

The annual IEEE International Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI)
provides a major international forum where the
creation and exchange of ideas related to
artificial intelligence are fostered among
academia, industry, and government agencies. The
conference facilitates the cross-fertilization of
these ideas and promotes their transfer into
practical tools, for developing intelligent
systems and pursuing artificial intelligence
applications. The ICTAI encompasses all technical
aspects of specifying, developing and
evaluating the theoretical underpinnings and
applied mechanisms of the AI based components
of computer tools (i.e. algorithms, architectures and languages).

Topics (not limited to)

AI Algorithms
AI in Bioinformatics
AI in Computer Security
AI in Databases and Data Mining
AI in E-commerce
AI in Games
AI in Information Assurance
AI in Logistics
AI in Medicine
AI in Multimedia Systems
AI in Real-time & Embedded Applications
AI in Robotics
AI in Software Engineering
Case-Based Reasoning
Cognitive Modelling
Constraint Programming
Collaborative Software Agents
Reasoning Under Fuzziness or Uncertainty
Evolutionary Computing
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Information Retrieval
Intelligent Tutoring/Training Systems
Intelligent Internet Agents
Intelligent Interface Agents
Knowledge-based Systems
Knowledge Extraction
Knowledge Management and Sharing
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing and Understanding
Neural Networks
Planning and Scheduling
Qualitative Reasoning
Search and Heuristics, SAT, CSP, QBF
Semantic Web-Techniques & Technologies
Speech Processing and Understanding
Vision/Image Processing & Understanding

Paper Submission

The submissions should contain original, high
quality, not submitted or published elsewhere
work. Papers should be submitted electronically
(through ICTAI 2010 web site) in pdf format
and should conform to IEEE specifications
(single-spaced, double-column, 10-point font size,
up to 8 pages).

Paper Presentation

Each accepted paper should be presented by one of
the authors and accompanied by at least
one full registration fee payment, to guarantee
publication in the proceedings. All accepted
papers will be included in proceedings of ICTAI
2010, which will be published by the IEEE.

IJAIT special issue

Extended versions of the best papers of the
conference will be invited for publication in a
special issue of the International Journal on
Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) (SCI

Further Information

Éric Grégoire (PC Chair)
Université d'Artois
rue Jean Souvraz SP18
F-62307 Lens, FRANCE

Email: gregoire [at] cril [dot] univ-artois [dot] fr

Steering Committee

Nikolaos Bourbakis, (Chair)
Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy
Jeffrey Tsai
Benjamin W. Wah
Farokh B. Bastani
Soon Chung
Despina Kavraki
Ioannis Hatziligeroudis

Co-general chairs

Naohiro Ishii (Asian liaison)
Phil Sheu (USA liaison)
Youssef Hamadi (European liaison)

Program Committee Chair

Éric Grégoire

Area Chairs

Shyi-Ming Chen
Diane Cook
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Jin-Kao Hao
Vasant Honavar
Nobuhiro Inuzuka
Daniel Kayser
Taghi Khoshgoftaar
Vasile Palade
Luigi Portinale
Henri Prade
Marie-Christine Rousset
Andreas-Georgios Stafylopatis
Karl Tombre
Zhi-Hua Zhou
Du Zhang
Sotirios Ziavras

Program Committee

Hamid Aghajan
Charles Anderson
Spyros Angelopoulos
Asa Ben-Hur
Antonio Berlanga de Jesus
Philippe Besnard
Harry Bunt
Philippe Chatalic
Nicolae Constantin
Aaron Crandall
Belen Diaz Agudo
Carlos Alberto Reyes García
Xin Geng
Malik Ghallab
Francois Goasdoué
Jose Juarez Herrero
Yin-Tong Hsiao
Thomas R. Ioeger
Yuji Iwahori
Fabrice Jouanot
Hyunju Kim
Helge Langseth
Huey-Ming Lee
Giorgio Leonardi
Yung-Ho Leu
Xiaoou Li
Yanjun Li
Dan Lopresti
Congnan Luo
Tony R. Martinez
Bertrand Mazure
Stefania Montani
Naoto Mukai
Tsuyoshi Nakamura
Mehmet Orgun
Jeng-Shyang Pan
John Paxton
Jun Peng
Vir Phoha
Cédric Piette
Parisa Rashidi
Marek Reformat
Ashish Sabharwal
Lorenza Saitta
Erik Sandewall
Lakhdar Saïs
Andrea Schaerf
Torsten Schaub
Vincent Schmidt
Jianqiang Shen
Victor R. L. Shen
Marina Sokolova
Thomas Stuetzle
ChewLim Tan
Alexandre Termier
Douglas Vieira
Toby Walsh
Huanjing Wang
Marcel Worring
Ioannis Zaharakis
Daoqiang Zhang

Financial Chair Manuel Demont

Registration Chair Nadine Kucharski

Publication Chair Bertrand Mazure

Webmaster Fabien Delorme

Local Arrangements Committee

Assef Chmeiss
Jean-Luc Coquidé (chair)
Tiago de Lima
Anne Parrain
Cédric Piette
Lakhdar Saïs
Sébastien Tabary

[Knowledge Acquisition, Reuse and Evaluation KARE 2010] First Call of Papers

First call of papers :


KARE 2010 : Knowledge Acquisition, Reuse and Evaluation
Ontology and Semantic Web Services for Knowledge Management

Ontology and Semantic Web Services for Knowledge Management
Second International Workshop on
Knowledge Acquisition, Reuse and Evaluation

In conjunction with the 6th IEEE international conference on
Signal-Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2010)

December 15th - December 18th, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Important Dates
Submission deadline : June, 6th
Notification : July, 15th
Final date for camera-ready copy : July, 30th

The International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Reuse and
Evaluation aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers,
and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new
ideas, and research results about all aspects of Knowledge, Ontology
and Sermantic Web Services Engineering. We will discuss the practical
challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

This workshop will focus on the theoreticians and practitioners
concerned with developing methods and systems that assist the
knowledge management process and assessing the suitability of such
methods. Thus, the workshop includes all aspects of acquiring,
modeling and managing knowledge, and their role in the construction of
knowledge-based systems. Knowledge acquisition still remains the
bottleneck for building a knowledge based system. Reuse and sharing of
knowledge bases are major issues and no satisfactory solutions have
been agreed upon yet. There is a wide range of research. Much of the
work in this field has been knowledge acquisition. The advent of the
age of digital information has brought the problem of knowledge reuse
and knowledge evaluation. Our ability to analyze, evaluate and assist
user in reusing knowledge present a great challenge of the next years.
A new generation of computational techniques and tools is required to
support the acquisition, the reuse and the evaluation of useful
knowledge from the rapidly growing volume of information. All of these
are to be discussed in this workshop.

A non-exhaustive list of topics for the workshop includes the following:

- Tools and techniques for knowledge acquisition, knowledge update and
knowledge validation
- Semantic web inference methodologies
- Semantic knowledge portals
- Web-based approaches for knowledge management
- Agent-based approaches for knowledge management
- Software agents for semantic web
- Semantic web-based knowledge management
- Tools, languages, and techniques for semantic annotation
- Semantic searching
- Semantic brokering
- CSCW and cooperative approaches for knowledge management
- Agent-based approaches for knowledge management
- Evaluation of knowledge acquisition techniques
- Information and knowledge structures
- Languages and frameworks for knowledge and knowledge modeling
- Ontology creation, evolution, reconciliation, and mediation
- Ontology-based approaches for knowledge management
- Knowledge delivery methods
- Knowledge life cycle
- Knowledge and information extraction and discovery techniques
- Corporate Semantic Webs for knowledge management
- Peer-to-peer approaches for knowledge management
- Knowledge extraction from images/pictures
- Intelligent knowledge-based systems
- Decision support and expert systems
- Re-usability of software/knowledge/information

Workshop Organizers
Contact Point: Davy Monticolo(

Workshop Chairs:

Nada Matta, University of Technology UTT (France)
Davy Monticolo, University of Technology UTBM (France)

International Program Committee
* Hamid R. Arabnia, University of Georgia, USA
* Tomas Arredondo, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
(UTFSM), Valparaiso, Chile
* Azita Bahrami, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah,
Georgia, USA
* Djamal Benslimane, University of Lyon, France
* Ismail Biskri, Université de Québec à Trois Rivières, Canada
* Valerie Camps, Universite Paul Sabatier, France
* Laurence Capus, Université Laval (Quebec), Canada
* Nathalie Chaignaud, INSA Rouen, France
* Claudia D'Amato, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
* Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
* John Domingue, The Open University, UK
* David Faure, Thales R&T, France
* Fabien Gandon, INRIA, France
* Samuel Gomes, UTBM, France
* Michael Grüninger, University of Toronto, Canada
* Miguel Ángel Gómez-Nieto, University of Córdoba, Spain
* William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
* Susan Haller, State University of New York at Potsdam, USA
* Dusan Husek, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech
* Mustafa Jarrar, University of Birzeit, Palestine
* Abderrafiaa Koukam, UTBM, France
* Lenka Lhotska Czech Technical University in Prague
* Gaëlle Lortal, Thales R&T, France
* Ronald Maier, University of Innsbruck, Austria
* Ashok Mallya, Veraz Networks, USA
* Andy Marsh, Director, HoIP CIC, UK
* Jean-Charles Marty, University of Savoie, France
* Matsui Masayoshi, National Instisute of Advanced Industrial,
Science and Technology, Japan
* Nada Matta, University of Technology UTT, France
* Sheila McIlraith, University of Toronto, Canada
* Brahim Medjahed, University of Michigan, USA
* Abhijit Mitra, Indian Institute of Technology, India
* Adrian Mocan, DERI Innsbruck, Austria
* Bernard Moulin, Université Laval (Quebec), Canada
* Pit Pichappan, Annamalai University, India
* Tomas Pitner, Masaryk University of Brno, Czek Republic
* Monica Scannapieco, University of Rome, Italy
* Carla Simone, University of Milano-Bicocca Italy
* Monika Solanki, Imperial College London, UK
* Ritu Soni, Guru Nanak Girls College, India + Kurukshertra,
University, India
* André Trudel, Acadia University, Canada
* Somkait Udomhunsakul, King Mongkutt?s Institute of Technology,
Ladkrabang, Thailand
* Marja Naaranoja Vaasa, University of Applied Sciences, Finland
* Martin Wolpers, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
* Mariemma Yague, University of Malaga, Spain
* Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
* Chen Yuehui, University of Jinan, China
* Cecilia Zanni, INSA Strasbourg, France
* Antonio Zilli, eBusiness Management Sector - Scuola Superiore
ISUFI - University of Salento (Italy)
* Ales Zivkovic, University of Maribor, Slovenia

You are invited to submit full length papers, not exceeding 8 pages in
length, in two-column format including diagrams and references,
following IEEE publication guidelines. Papers that do not follow these
guidelines may be rejected without consideration of their merits.

Papers must be submitted electronically to the contact point in PDF
format. All workshops will be published by IEEE in a single total
conference volume and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore.
Selected papers after extension will be published in the following journals:
- Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM) (ISSN 0972-7272)
- Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS) (ISSN 1554-1010)
- International Journal of Computanional Intelligence Research (ISSN
- International Journal for Infonomics (IJI) (ISSN 1742-4712)
- International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured
Transactions (IJITST) (ISSN 1748-569X)
All papers will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee
members on the basis of technical quality, originality, clarity, and
relevance to the track topics listed below. Accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each
paper must attend the workshop to present the paper.

Camera Ready papers should follow the IEEE conference templates.

Send your paper in format pdf to or in the
SITIS Website :

Nada Matta & Davy Monticolo
KARE2010 chairs

Davy Monticolo
Associate Professor
SeT Laboratory
University of Technology UTBM
Department of Computer Science
Site Web :